The Vortex

Bot Help

If you're having trouble using Vortex (the resident bot,) look here.


Remember to put '!' before each command!



alias    Manage per-server aliases for commands


audioset Audio settings.

audiostat General stats on audio stuff.

cache Cache management tools.

local Local playlists commands

pause Pauses the current song, [p]resume to continue.

play Plays a link / searches and play

playlist Playlist management/control.

prev Goes back to the last song.

queue Queues a song to play next. Extended functionality in [p]help

repeat Toggles REPEAT

resume Resumes a paused song or playlist

shuffle Shuffles the current queue

sing Makes Red sing one of her songs

skip Skips a song, using the set threshold if the requester isn't song Info about the current song.

stop Stops a currently playing song or playlist. CLEARS QUEUE.

yt Searches and plays a video from YouTube



customcommands Shows custom commands list



bank Bank operations

leaderboard Server / global leaderboard

payday Get some free credits

payouts Shows slot machine payouts

slot Play the slot machine



8 Ask 8 ball a question

choose Chooses between multiple choices.

flip Flips a coin... or a user.

lmgtfy Creates a lmgtfy link

poll Starts/stops a poll

roll Rolls random number (between 1 and user choice)

rps Play rock paper scissors

serverinfo Shows server's informations

stopwatch Starts/stops stopwatch

urban Urban Dictionary search

userinfo Shows users's informations



gif Retrieves first search result from giphy

gifr Retrieves a random gif from a giphy search

imgur Retrieves a picture from imgur



beam Checks if beam stream is online

hitbox Checks if hitbox stream is online

twitch Checks if twitch stream is online



trivia Start a trivia session with the specified list


ban Bans user and deletes last X days worth of messages.

kick Kicks a user

names Show previous names/nicknames of a user

blacklist Bans user from using the bot

cleanup Deletes messages

editrole Edits roles settings

filter Adds/removes words from the filter

modset Manages server administration settings

mute Mutes a user in channel/server

reason Lets you specify a reason for mod-log's cases

rename Changes a user's name (can be seen by others)

info Shows info about Red set Changes Red's global settings.

uptime Shows Red's uptime

version Shows Red's current version



contact Sends message to the owner


No Category:

help Shows this message.